FastCGI c++ library for all platforms (Windows, Mac and Linux)

List of existing libraries


Stackoverflow articles


Other links

CGICC – how to update it for VS2010 COMPILATION

  •  error C2668: ‘cgicc::copy_if’ : ambiguous call to overloaded function – add cgicc:: to all cgicc::copy_if instances
  •  error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol – add compiled .lib path (…Debug\cgicc.lib) to all dependend projects

Problem installing Fedora18/19 on VMWare

During my attempts to install Fedora as virtual machine we got following error:

VMWare Fedora problem
dracut-initqueue[350]: mount: /dev/sr1 is write-protected, mounting read-only
dracut-initqueue[350]: warning: Could not boot

Entering emergency mode. Exit the shell to continue
Type "journalctl" to view systm logs.


The solution is pretty simple. The problem is inside VMWare automatical installer and VMWare’s autoinst.iso image which is automatically connected to virtual machine.
To resolve this issue, stop your virtual machine, open Edit virtual machine settings and remove first CD drive with mounted autoinst.iso.

How to fix problem when installing Fedora on VMW

When you remove this iso from you VM, run it again and everything will work as expected.

Fedora installation

C++ Code coverage tools for Windows and Linux (DRAFT)


  • CovTool – Free test coverage analyzer for C++
  • ggcov –  GTK+ GUI for exploring test coverage data produced by C and C++ programs compiled with gcc –coverage.
  • lcov – graphical front-end for GCC’s coverage testing tool gcov. Creates HTML pages containing the source code annotated with coverage information.
  • Trucov – open source program that works with the GCC compiler to display the control flow of a program and its test coverage information



2) remove OBJS output dir and generate .o .gcov,… to root project directory

3)remove MOC directory output for Qt app

3)run gcov xx.cpp

— generate html

sudo apt-get install lcov (

lcov --capture --directory ~/dev/Applications/AtomixApp/AtomixApp --output-file

How to use articles

How to integrate with jenkins

StackOverflow questions

DD-WRT Monitoring bandwidth per IP

For detailed bandwidth tracking there is a great plugin ip_conntrack available on forum.

Step 1 – upload plugin to DD-WRT

The easiest way how to upload any content to DD-WRT is build-it ProFTPD server. To enable it, open Services -> NAS and check ProFTPD server.


Now you can upload any content to your router by any FTP client.

Step 2 – connect to router by telnet

My DD-WRT firmware has some problems with SSH so it isn’t possible to use it. It’s not a big deal because we can connect to router by telnet (in Win7 it’s necessary to install it Add or Remove program->Turn Windows Features -> Telnet client). Run Telnet from start menu and type (use IP address based on your own configuration)

<br />o<br />

Step 3 – Install ip_conntrack plugin

Now it’s necessary to execute all steps described in ip_conntrack post.

#Extract and set correct permissions
chmod +x /tmp/MyPage/*.sh
ln -s /tmp/MyPage/www/qos_conntrack.js /tmp/www/

#register new page
nvram set mypage_scripts="/tmp/MyPage/"
nvram commit

#activate new page

Step 4 – Configure automatic execution of script

Not tested, more info on plugin page

External links

Why I am not using phpMyAdmin on production servers

Even though I find phpMyAdmin and similar tools useful I don’t like them on production servers. When I spent a lot of my time protecting website against SQL injection I don’t want to leave opened doors to access the database through phpMyAdmin. Many phpMyAdmin installations are not protected with HTTPS and just one login on a public or attacked wifi can lead to a lot of troubles. So I recommend to delete the phpMyAdmin installation from the server and start with a more comfortable and secured way to do the task.

SSH tunnel will give you the security you’re looking for. Start your Putty, load the session and configure tunnel:

Putty tunnel screenshot

I’ve selected port 3366 to be used on my local machine so it avoids conflict with my other installation. Now I can connect from any tool to MySQL database at localhost:3366. I prefer Netbeans IDE and MySQL Workbench which is also really great for server/user configuration.

Secure SSH with RSA/DSA key

We are using SSH a lot to deploy our projects and to do common maintenance tasks. If you are accessing your server many times a day you might find frustrating typing the password all the time. You can use private key instead. Here are some detailed articles about adding RSA key and configuring SSH daemon. Bellow is a summary of the basic steps for Windows users.

Putty which is a great alternative to the Linux tools. To generate private/public key you should use PuttyGen.exe. Run the application, click generate and follow the instructions. It’s a good idea to put your name into the key comment so you could easily recognize your public key in configuration files. You should also protect your key with a password.

PuttyGen screenshot

Copy the public key which is located in the big text field above Key fingerprint field. Append the public key into /root/.ssh/authorized_keys file (if you want to login as root). You might need to create this file if it doesn’t exist already. Click on Save private key button and save the key to a secured place. You can now use this private key to login with putty to the remote server. To make things more comfortable you can use an agent to store unlocked private keys in the memory while you are logged into your computer. Run this command after you login:

pageant.exe john_doe.ppk

Without any further settings you should now be able to login to the remote SSH without password. If everything worked as expected you can now disable password authenticated access to make your server more secure:

# /etc/ssh/sshd_config
PasswordAuthentication no

To load you key after you login to a Linux box (useful for deployment) insert:

# ~/.bash_profile
# include .bashrc if it exists
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
 . ~/.bashrc

keychain --clear id_rsa
. ~/.keychain/$HOSTNAME-sh


Now we have a little bit more secured but more comfortable way to use SSH.

Ubuntu eth0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device

This article is step-by-step tutorial how to fix a problem which occured after I restored my virtual machines from backup to my ESXI server.

ifconfig when eth0 is not available

when I used lspci, result was

lspci result

So network adapter is correctly available in my virtual machine. As next step I need to found out which alias is used for this adapter. I didn’t find any easily way than try et0,eth1,….

ifconfig eth0
eth0: error fetching interface information: Device not found

ifconfig eth1
eth1: error fetching interface information: Device not found

ifconfig eth2
eth2: Link encap: Ethernet HWaddr.....

So, I found my network adapter. Now as last step it’s necessary to update network interfaces to this adapter

sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces

#and change all eth0 to eth1 values

As last step restart your machine and everything should work correctly.

External links:


How to add new drive to ubuntu

Step one: install drive

It’s easy…. 😉

Step two, check if drive is connected

sudo fdisk -l

Create partitions

sudo fdisk /dev/sdb

#Create partition
#press u (units to sectors)
#press n (create new partition)
#press p (primary partition)
#press 1 (first partition)
#press enter (default start at begin)
#press enter (default end at end)

#Format partition
#press L (list of formats)
#?? need tye 83, don't know how to enter ;-)

#press W (write changes to hdd and quit)

#update kernel with changes we have made
sudo partproble /dev/sdb

#format drive
sudo mkfs /dev/sdb1 -t ext4

#create directory mount point
sudo mkdir /home/dev/dev
sudo chmod 777 /home/dev/dev

#mount it
sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /home/dev/dev -t ext4

#try to write something
touch /home/dev/dev/test.txt
ls /home/dev/dev

#setup auto-mounting point
sudo nano /etc/fstab

#add line
/dev/sdb1 /home/dev/dev ext4 defaults 0 0

External ref:

Qt QtDBus compilation

To add DBUS to Qt compilation, add following switch

./configure -opensource -dbus ....

If you get following error:

The QtDBus module cannot be enabled because libdbus-1 version 0.93 was not found.
Turn on verbose messaging (-v) to ./configure to see the final report.
If you believe this message is in error you may use the continue
switch (-continue) to ./configure to continue.

It’s necessary to install libsbus:

sudo apt-get install libdbus-1-3
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
libdbus-1-3 is already the newest version.

and also developer package:

sudo apt-get install libdbus-1-dev

Now everything should work correctly.