pricing |
- 1 Agent
- 30 chats/month
- 1 department
- 1 domain
- 25 help desk/month
- GTalk integration
- 1 concurent chat
- price per agents
- 3 departures
- 3 domains
- Skype, webchat
- visitor info
- 5 concurent chat
pricing |
- 1 Agent
- 1 departure
- unlimited domains
- unlimited chats
- basic visitor monitoring
- 2 agents
- unlimited departures
- advanced monitoring
- $12 for additional agent
- Doesn’t support IM clients
pricing |
- 1 Agent
- 1 domains
- 1 channel
- 1 agent
- 2 channels/agent
- $8 for additional agent
- Gtalk/Jabber support
- 2months for free on annual payment
pricing |
- 1 Agent
- 1 concurrent chat
- 14-day chat history
- Unlimited chats
- 2 triggers
- 2 departments
- Gtalk/Skype support
- HTML5 dashboard
- See visitor webpath
pricing |
No free plan |
- Unlimited chats
- Groups
- Reports
- Browser/Win/MacOSX/iPhone/Android support
- Integration to several other products
pricing |
No free plan |
- 3 operators
- 3 widgets
- Chat panel
- Automatic Invites
- CRM integration
- 20% discount on yearly subscriptions
- 6 months for free for startups
- Integration to several other products
- IM integration (jabber, pandion)
www.purechat.com |
Completely free
- 100% free
- no ads
- unlimited chats/operators
- Missing IM support
- “Failed to connect to PureChat!” error when I tried it
pricing |
No free plan |
- basic plan (business plan for $99/month)
- Click-to-Chat
- 3-rd party integration only for business plan
- for $29.95 very limited
- Integration to several other products
- Missing IM integration
free license |
- Multi-domain deployment
- 1 simultaneous license allowed
- 750 monthly chats
- 3 concurrent chats
- no visitors tracking
- no UI customization
- basic plan (business plan for $499 and $999/month)
- super-expensive 😉
- 3-rd party integration only for business plan
- for $29.95 very limited
- Integration to several other products
- Missing IM integration
free license |
- 1 operator
- 20 monthly chats
- 1 operator
- Gold plan for $49/month for 4 operators
- CRM integration
- IM integration
- 10% discount on 1 year subscription
pricing |
No free license |
- 2 operator
- Additional operators for $9.95/month
- Visitors tracking
- Mobile chat
- Customization
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