In this article I will show how to create DMG installer in reusable way. The most of things and ideas presented here are ideas from several articles mentioned on the end of this article.
1) As first step we need to create our DMG template with link to Applications.
2) Next we have to modify the visual representation of DMG file.
3) Next we store created DMG as template
4) Now mount copied template as directory, fill DMG with real files
5) Detach mounted DMG, pack DMG
6) Distribute app 😉
More detailed info about all these steps you will find in articles mentioned below. Here is a short script I wrote for three-phase deploying (1) create template, 2) pack template, 3)fill template with real data and compress it)
#! /bin/bash TEMPLATE_DMG=atomix-development-template.dmg VOLUME_NAME="Atomix Development" APPLICATION_FILE_NAME="" if [ "$1" = "create-template" ] then echo Create DMG template mkdir template cd template mkdir $APPLICATION_FILE_NAME touch $APPLICATION_FILE_NAME/fake ln -s /Applications/ Applications cd .. rm $TEMPLATE_DMG rm $TEMPLATE_DMG.bz2 hdiutil create -fs HFSX -layout SPUD -size 100m "$TEMPLATE_DMG" -srcfolder template -format UDRW -volname "$VOLUME_NAME" -quiet rm -rf template elif [ "$1" = "zip-template" ] then echo Zipping DMG template bzip2 "$TEMPLATE_DMG" elif [ "$1" = "create-dmg" ] then echo Creating DMG file from template and data #unzip template rm $TEMPLATE_DMG bunzip2 -k $TEMPLATE_DMG.bz2 #create pack path and attach DMG PACK_PATH=`pwd`/dmg-pack mkdir $PACK_PATH hdiutil attach "$TEMPLATE_DMG" -noautoopen -quiet -mountpoint "$PACK_PATH" #copy new content to DMG cp -r "$2" "$PACK_PATH" rm $PACK_PATH/$APPLICATION_FILE_NAME/fake #detach DMG, remove mount path hdiutil detach "$PACK_PATH" -force -quiet rm -rf $PACK_PATH #compress DMG hdiutil convert -format UDZO -o tmp-packer-output.dmg "$TEMPLATE_DMG" -imagekey zlib-level=9 rm ./$TEMPLATE_DMG mv ./tmp-packer-output.dmg $TEMPLATE_DMG #rm $TEMPLATE_DMG else echo Missing parameter echo "create-dmg [create|zip-template|create-dmg Path/]" fi
So, it looks like that DMG file for ORM Designer2 is ready 😉
Another tools to create DMG package
External links
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