When you want to use different configurations for different platforms in your .pro file, it’s necessary to correctly setup three variables: QMAKESPEC, QTDIR and PATH.
Here is how to configure for different platforms:
Microsoft Windows:
In SystemPropertes -> Enviroment variables add/update following values:
QTDIR = P:\QT\4.7.0 PATH = %QTDIR%\bin QMAKESPEC=%QTDIR%\mkspecs\win32-msvc2005 LANG = en_US
Unix Bourne shell: (not tested)
QMAKESPEC=/usr/local/qt/mkspecs/linux-g++ PATH=$PATH:/local/qmake/bin export QMAKESPEC PATH</pre>
Unix C shell: (not tested)
setenv QMAKESPEC /usr/local/qt/mkspecs/linux-g++ setenv PATH $PATH:/local/qmake/bin</pre>
You can optionally use LANG variable to setup QtCreator language.
Old qt 3.0 guide: http://doc.trolltech.com/3.0/qmake-guide.html
How to configure enviroment: http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.0/qmake-environment-reference.html
Thank you!! I have been strugeling with a problem form 7h and this helped. I’m very grateful.
The convention with Qt 5 is Qt in a compiler-specific folder like P:\QT\MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH\COMPILER_SPEC, or omitting the patch number.
For example, the Windows QTDIR would be specified: