Step one: install drive
It’s easy…. 😉
Step two, check if drive is connected
sudo fdisk -l
Create partitions
sudo fdisk /dev/sdb #Create partition #---------------- #press u (units to sectors) #press n (create new partition) #press p (primary partition) #press 1 (first partition) #press enter (default start at begin) #press enter (default end at end) #Format partition #---------------- #press L (list of formats) #?? need tye 83, don't know how to enter ;-) #press W (write changes to hdd and quit) #update kernel with changes we have made sudo partproble /dev/sdb #format drive sudo mkfs /dev/sdb1 -t ext4 #create directory mount point sudo mkdir /home/dev/dev sudo chmod 777 /home/dev/dev #mount it sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /home/dev/dev -t ext4 #try to write something touch /home/dev/dev/test.txt ls /home/dev/dev #setup auto-mounting point sudo nano /etc/fstab #add line /dev/sdb1 /home/dev/dev ext4 defaults 0 0
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